
January 27, 2009

Teams on Tuesday - Team ESST

Teams. Team spirit. Teamwork is working together — even when apart.

Tuesdays are a good day to talk about the teams I am on. Many are teams with members I've never met - we 'know' each other by email and other types of correspondence. Yet we've accomplished things together that were successful and have plans for more.

Today's Team: Team ESST (Etsy Supply Street Team) encourages its members to join teams - it provides a social network and allows team members to collaborate on marketing initiatives to increase sales. As the team name says, the Team ESST shops carry supplies - from the unique & unusual to your basic crafting items. We are here to supply your crafting needs.
Once I was established on Etsy with my first shop, ennadoolf, it became clear that if I started adding patterns and supplies to that shop, that soon it would be difficult to find the handmade items. So PatternsAndSuch was born. I then discovered Team ESST. It was shortly after the Yart Sale had taken place on Etsy - what a successful sales event that was! It spread through the Etsy community like wildfire. And where did it start? Team ESST. We have dedicated volunteers who work hard to keep our team moving forward - our team leader is Carla of CarDonCreativeSupply (thanks for all your hard work, Carla!)

Here is a sampling of the supplies you'll find in our Team ESST shops:

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