
February 28, 2010

Caribbean Memories

The ocean ... waves of blues, turquoise and greens.

I checked out the websites and saw that I was able to bring my knitting needles along on the plane - great, I thought! and I picked out a pair of straight needles that I could part with, just in case.
;-) ... I knew I had several pairs in this size.

At the airport, we discovered that they needed to go into checked luggage. [sigh] So much for knitting on the plane!

Instead, I knit while sitting in the almost-sun. It was fairly cloudy but who knew that you could get a burn through clouds? Yes, you can.

So here are the dishcloths that I knit while on vacation. As I prepare the photos, I'll be adding these Caribbean Memories dishcloths to my Etsy shop.

This dishcloth was knit on the last day there - while the dark clouds threatened rain and the ocean turned darker shades of blue with just hints of turquoise and green ... ... and that's why I added a strip of variegated colour to the middle of this cloth. It's one of a kind!

Oh, and these photos were snapped on the stucco half-wall of the hotel staircase (not in the sand as they may appear).

Watch for all of these dishcloths to be available at!

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