
March 30, 2010

It's my Etsy-versary!

It's my Etsy-versary!

Yes, today is my 2 year Etsy-versary!

My shop is

I'd like to take a moment to thank all of my customers from the past two years. It is such a great feeling to check email and see that notice from Etsy that someone has purchased something from my shop - I'm always excited to see what has been chosen, who has chosen it, and where it is going.

Then, taking the time to package each item carefully for its journey - whether it be across town, across Ontario or Canada, or internationally. Each and every time I get a little glow inside knowing that something I created will make someone else happy.

Thanks so much, too, to all the members of my Etsy teams: EtsyKnitters, EtsyFAST (Fiber Artists), WWWG (Wild Wise Witty Grandmas), Forest City Crafters and Oh Canada Team. The support from each of these teams is phenomenal and the sharing that takes place makes each a community I'm thankful to be part of.

And thanks to all of my facebook fan! If you'd like to be a fan, here is my facebook page link:

More thanks go to my blog readers. :) Not all of you are official followers and some of you may even be anonymous followers, not all of you leave comments, but each and every one of you is appreciated.

Thanks everyone!
And happy Spring!!

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