
June 15, 2010

Teams on Tuesday - fore!

I joined a golf league.

Interestingly enough, I play on Tuesdays!

So far, I'm enjoying getting out there and improving my game. If you'd asked me as little as two years ago I would have told you I'd never join a league because I didn't enjoy it then. I don't know what's changed - oh maybe I have. I play better. My hubby gave me some great tips. He watched me at the driving range and provided some pointers for improvement. There is so much to remember! LOL And when I do remember it all - or most of it anyway - I hit a darn good ball!

I even found a golf bag to match my golf club cover and set of score-beads! I knit a golf club cover last year in blue and white yarns. Then when I joined the league I made a set of score-beads from blue and white pony beads. What luck when I found a golf bag at a yard sale (practically new!) that was blue and white! So now I'm all set, right?  hehe   Nope.  I want to make a better golf club cover. I'll just add that to my To Do list, LOL

Do you think I should knit some golf club covers to add to my shop? I have a variety of quality hand knit gift items there now. Maybe I'll add some in the months to come.

p.s. tonight we played the back nine and I got par on the 13th!

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