
February 25, 2011

Vintage Barbie RED KNIT DRESS

Forget the LBD (little black dress)

... its time for the RKD! 

The Red Knit Dress!!

This is my original Barbie - an early 1966 American Girl Barbie.

The butt markings on the American Girl Barbies differ and because mine has both raised and indented markings she is an early 1966.

She was nice enough to agree to model this dress I received many many years ago ... probably shortly after I received her!

And then I found this pattern book!  and it has the instructions for making this Red Knit Dress!!

I was very excited because I knew I could use photos of my Barbie in her Red Knit Dress in the listing when I sell this booklet in my Etsy shop, Vintage And Such.

Do you still have a toy from your childhood?  Leave a comment and tell me what it is!

For this or other vintage patterns, visit my Vintage And Such shop - your place for vintage military, housewares, collectibles and treasures.

February 22, 2011

Thinking Day 2011

February 22nd

Thinking Day for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts worldwide.

To all my sisters in Guiding,

Happy Thinking Day

the above photo was taken at Casa Loma and shows the Girl Guide display

February 05, 2011

Tutorial - Sewing a headband

I made some of these headbands for my Etsy shop ennadoolf.

My friend Maria chose some fabrics for me to make some more so I thought I'd document the process as a tutorial.

Here goes!

Sewing a Headband

Supplies Needed: fabric (approx. 4"x20" or 10cm x 52cm) and a hair elastic.

I cut my piece of fabric approximately 4 inches wide by 20 inches long. That is approximately 10 cm wide by 52 cm long.

Fold in half lengthwise with right sides together.

Sew along the long edge (see photo) with about a 1/4 inch (1 cm) seam allowance.

Now we are going to turn the fabric right side out.

You can do this however you like - this is how I did it.

Take a piece of string - a shoe lace works great - and tie a loop at each end.

Add a safety pin to each end.
Pin one safety pin to the edge of your fabric - in the seam allowance - about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the end.

Take the other safety pin at the other end and insert it into the fabric.

Pull that safety pin through the tube to the other opening.

Now keep pulling that safety pin through.  The end of the fabric where the safety pin is pinned ... guide it so that it begins to turn into the inside so that it is being pulled through.

See photos to see how this is happening ... and keep pulling until your item is right side out!

It's much simpler to do than it is to describe!  :)  Just trust me on that one!

Now you want to add your hair elastic.

Place the elastic at the end and fold the fabric over it. 

Pin it in place with a safety pin. Now fold the other end of the fabric over it, being careful not to twist the fabric. Pin it in place with a safety pin. 

Try on the headband.  Adjust your folds for the perfect fit prior to sewing.  I didn't do these pinning steps - so my batch of headbands were too small for Maria.   * oops. *  

Don't make my mistake.  That is why there is no photo for this step.  :)

Now, sew the ends. 

I simply zig-zagged each end that was folded over.  

See photos.

And there you go! 

A beautiful fabric headband!

If you think I missed a step, or if you have questions, please leave a comment.

In my "too-small-for-Maria" headbands, I cut them 19" long so that's why I've adjusted to 20" for this tutorial.

I have to admit, too, that the dollar store elastics had better stretch then the name-brand ones that cost more and actually snapped when they were stretched.