
July 31, 2012

A RAK Afghan

A RAK Afghan

RAK = Random Act of Kindness

 I got this lovely pink 8 inch (20 cm) square in a box of yarn and things at either a yard sale or a thrift shop. I set it aside as I didn't really know what to do with it.

Then I thought of a RAK afghan - where each square could be knit or crochet by different people and so I thought I’d see if others wanted to send me squares, and I’d sew them together into an afghan that I will either donate to a charity or to a charity auction.

If you’d like to send me a square - knit or crochet accepted - it should be worsted weight acrylic so that all squares have similar wash/dry care instructions. You can contact me on ravelry (ennadoolf) or on my facebook page or by email.

This golden yellow square was made by me - I'm just learning to crochet so I actually started it and ripped it out about 4-5 times before I figured out what the pattern was saying. 
And this lemon yellow square is from my friend Deb.

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