
May 31, 2013

PatternPatter Team Black Tie Listing Party!

PatternPatter Team Black Tie Listing Party!

June 7, 2013


Customer Appreciation Event

Where: Etsy

When: 12 AM to Midnight, June 7, 2013

* The PatternPatter Team, sellers of vintage and newer sewing patterns and notions, will be celebrating the team’s 2nd anniversary by hosting a 24 hour Black Tie listing party!

* Members will be listing patterns for formal gowns, men’s formal wear, as well as a variety of patterns for all occasions.

* In addition to many new pattern listings being made available, many shops are celebrating by offering discounts to their customers.

* A list of participating shops as well as links to the new listings as they become live will be available in this Public Thread -

We welcome shoppers to pop in and browse all the great patterns that will show up in the Public Thread!

Some of the PatternPatter shops can be seen here. They may or may not be participating in the celebration, but they'll have some great patterns either way!

May 29, 2013

Katherine Legge Carries Girl Scout Logo on Helmet

Katherine Legge Carries Girl Scout Logo on Helmet

Katherine Legge honored millions of Girl Scouts by wearing the Girl Scout logo on her helmet during the 96th Indianapolis 500 Mile Race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Legge wore the logo to call attention to Girl Scouts' ToGetHerThere campaign, and Legge’s partnership with the Girl Scouts that continues beyond Sunday’s race as she is Girl Scouts’ inaugural STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Ambassador and Girl Scouts’ first motorsports athlete as a national spokesperson.

May 25, 2013

Lovely in Light Blue

Lovely in Light Blue

A collection from Etsy.

Thanks to the curator, Svea Cromer from MadeBySvea , for including a handknit item from my etsy shop!

May 23, 2013

Hummingbird cloth!

The cutest hummingbird cloth arrived in the mail!

Thanks so much!

May 19, 2013

Art - from scraps!

Art - from scraps!

While making decorations for a shower, we were tossing our paper scraps into a bowl. 

And it became art!

May 17, 2013

Penny stopped in Canada

There are no more pennies being produced in Canada.

So Sheldon is going to have to round up to a nickel.

(love it!)

May 15, 2013

Better late than never?

About a year ago, I won this cute handknit clutch made by Gilda Knits of AHandmadePrincess on Etsy.

Isn't it cute?

I never did blog about it and I should have!

So here it is!

And here are the links to:
AHandmadePrincess on Etsy
her blog - Gilda Knits!

Feel free to follow or favourite or do whatever you need to do to remember these links!

May 13, 2013

What is a good life?

What is a good life?

Is it its length or its authenticity and valour that make it rich and worthwhile?

Is it fame and money and fortune and political prowess that make it good?

To me, it is simply a good deed and a gracious action.

It is truth and friendship and failure and triumph.

It is making wrong turns and righting them.

It is starting over and it is ending without a struggle.

Is is everything decent in this world.

(author unknown)

May 11, 2013

Flags of the World

There is a house here in London Ontario
(aka Canada's London)

... that displays a different world flag almost every day!

I try to guess the flags,
before I look at the sign in the window.

The sign tells you the country.

To the home-owner near Victoria and Maitland streets, I say thank you!

May 01, 2013