
September 26, 2013

Who Deserves a Second Chance?

Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?


And today it is Vanna's Choice yarn.

I bought some a year or so ago - and began knitting with the first ball - and came across knots.

The only thing I hate more than running out of bobbin thread in a sewing machine, is knots in a skein of yarn.

Especially a skein I paid full price for!

In my opinion, the machines that make the skeins should know when there are knots and those skeins should be marked as "seconds" and sold as such - at a lower cost and with full disclosure to customers.

Not sold for full price with the nasty knots hidden from view.

And I vowed to never knit with that yarn again.

But Lion Brand wants a second chance - and who am I to deny that!

So I received replacement yarn and now I need to come up with a project for this yarn so that I can knit it up.

And there better not be knots!

Keep an eye on this blog for future updates!
I've got my fingers crossed that this yarn is better than the first impression.

Wish me well!

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