
October 04, 2016

Tutorial - Busy Book Inside Pages


Busy Book Inside Pages

Here are more details on how I made the pages for Kaelyn's Busy Book.

Please note I jotted down measurements but they may not be the final size of the item in the book.
I made adjustments as I went along and forgot to mark down when I cut something to fit.

The floral fabric is the main cover for the binder and
it is approximately 24 inches x 25 inches so that when
it is folded, the size becomes 24 inches by 12.5 inches.

These photos generally show just half of the cover because it is folded over the binder.


I had a long thin scrap of fabric that I cut into 2 pieces, 
each was approximately 7 inches by 2 inches.

I sewed the buckle activity approximately 5 inches from the top of the binder.


The background for the shoelace activity was a scrap of fabric with sandals and flip flops on it!
It was approximately 12 inches by 6 inches in size. 
I turned under the edges and pinned it in place.

I made a small paper "pattern" for the 2 "shoe pieces" where the eyelets would be.
Those "shoe pieces" were approximately 4 inches by 3 inches with 2 rounded corners.

Ladybug "Sewing":

This was fun to try.
I saw something similar in another busy book so I wanted to see if I could do it.

I used a long scrap of pink fabric that was 20 inches by 3.5 inches.

I folded it in half so that all the raw edges would be hidden inside.

I measured and marked approximately where the 4 holes would be on one half.
Then I marked the 4 holes in the same spots on the other half.

I cut an X at each mark.
Then I folded back the X triangles and pressed them down.

Fold the long strip so all those X triangles are on the inside.
Stitch around all the squares.

Finally, I folded under the long and short remaining edges and sewed them closed too.

Here is what the left side looked like when completed:

Zipper Pouch:

The bottom part of the zipper pouch is lined.
The lining and outside fabric pieces are each approximately 11.5 inches by 6 inches.

I attached the zipper to the lining and the outside fabric.
I turned under the outside edges of each fabric so they'd be in between the 2 fabrics.

The top piece is approximately 11.5 inches by 3 inches.
I attached the zipper, folded it in half lengthwise and turned under all the edges.

I added a piece of seam binding to cover the opening at each end of the zipper to give it a bit more of a finished look.


BEFORE you sew the pouch to the background, add the scrap flaps with button holes.
I just made these out of scrap fabrics.

I sewed the buttons on after the entire project was pretty much complete.

"Paper" Doll and "Clothes":

This was a cool fabric I'd picked up some time ago.
I knew it would be neat to add it to this project.

I used iron on stabilizer for each piece and left a small seam allowance when cutting out each piece.

I made sure to sew the velcro to the NON iron on side of the stabilizer FIRST.

THEN I ironed them.

And then I stitched around each piece.

You know, just because I've got lots of time. ☺

First I sewed the doll to the background.

Then I sewed velcro to the "doll" AFTER I sewed her to the floral background of the binder.

This way, the velcro would be more secure.

I added a piece of velcro just to the right, for the "toys" or purses, or whatever.
Another tiny piece of velcro near her shoes for the extra shoes.

Above shows the velcro.

Below shows the "doll" all dressed up.

The little pouch with the clear opening was a bit of a pain to make. 
I sewed some bias tape to the top first.
Then I added the half of the snap.
Then I took seam binding and put it both under AND over the square of plastic around 3 sides.
I sewed those sides down.
I made a flap similar to the button flaps, adding the other half of the snap.

Here is what the right side looked like when completed:

"Rapunzel" Braiding:

For this, I simply cut another "doll" head from the fabric and sewed it to the background.
I made 3 long strips of fabric out of scraps.
I covered the top end with a scrap of lace to hide the ends.
I tied knots in the bottom ends.

So that's it.
Other than gluing the entire thing onto the binder.

We'll cover that in another post.  
I'll link to it as soon as I do that.

Please leave a comment if you make a book - I'd love to see it!

Click Here for Busy Book - the Binder (Cover)

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