
May 13, 2017

Saturday Spotlight: ENVE

Saturday Spotlight


1. What is the name of your shop or business and what do you sell?

I'm the sole owner, operator of ENVE HIDEWORKS, handmade leather. 
I design all my patterns original to my style. I hand cut, and hand make all my products beginning to end. Sometimes including hand hammering personalized monograms. Hand dying and edge finishing. I also do a lot of work with other small businesses & custom one of a kind jobs. 

2. Where are you located? or where do you sell?

I'm currently located in Brantford On. I rent a studio space and have a small shop there. 
I also sell directly through my Facebook page: 
OR my instagram page: @enve82. 
I own "" but we are still working on launch. 

Most customers love the experiences of coming by the shop and getting to pick their own leathers, threads and styles, some even get to watch their product being made. 

3. How long have you been doing your craft/art and how did you get started?

I've been doing leather work for about 25 years. I started ENVE HIDEWORKS about 5 years ago but have been working on it full time for the last 2 years. 
I was born into a family of leather workers. My dad behind the cutting Knife and my mother behind the sewing machine, both expert pattern makers and true artists. I learned so much from them. 

4. Who or what inspires you to create?

There are so many different sources of inspiration. It could be a funny character in a movie that make you wonder what kind of wallet he would carry or a nature scene full of beautiful colours that all work perfectly together and become a piece of art for a moment. 
Even seeing a beautiful painting. Music can also be very inspiring for me too. 

5. Do you listen to music when you work, and if so what kind?

When I'm at the bench I must have my speakers going. 
Lately I've been listening to a lot of folky blue grass, raw old school country songs. 
What I do is an ancient trade, one of the first trades ever. Listening to that old music brings you back a bit and makes you ask so many questions about how things use to be. 

6. What do you like least/most about your craft?

What I love most about my craft is when the customer (usually turned friend) receives their product and they instantly fall in love. As they use their product they fall more in love daily with the quality. I've made many valued friendships doing what I do.  The only thing I struggle with sometimes but very rarely is trying to get my vision of a project across to a customer. 

7. Describe your workspace?

My workspace began with me on my bedroom floor with a 2×2 wooded cutting board on my lap chopping wallets until my legs went numb. Now I work in a large well lit with natural light finished space. I couldn't ask for more, it's the perfect inspiring place.

8. What advice would you give to anyone thinking about starting their own craft business?

All I can say to anyone who would like to start their own business is...  you have to WANT IT!! you have to BELIEVE IT'S ALREADY YOURS!! you have to PUSH and work harder then you ever have in your life. 
And I promise you will feel greatly rewarded.

May 11, 2017

High Tea & Historic Fashion Show in Sparta

High Tea & Historic Fashion Show in Sparta