
December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I used to make such noble New Year's resolutions!
At the end of each year, I'd plan ahead and that plan included miraculous make-overs to my body that would be accomplished with minimal effort. And each new year those plans failed.

So now I make New Year's resolutions to do things I want to do! Sometimes I include "need" to do items as well, but I try to keep those to a minimum.

Please leave a comment and let me know if you make New Year's resolutions.

My 2011 New Year's Resolutions

1. Learn to crochet.
I learned new knitting techniques as my New Year's resolutions for the past few years so this year it is time to learn to crochet. There are so many beautiful patterns out there that call for crochet instead of knitting so it's high time I learned. I've had several people offer to help me and I know there must be a gazillion YouTube videos as well - and I already have crochet hooks! I'll have to check their sizes, but they came with knitting needles I picked up at yard sales and they are in lovely metallic colours so they must be fun to work with! Please leave a comment if you have a great project that is perfect for newbies to learn to crochet.

2. Continue organizing.
The book Organizing from the Inside Out was a godsend. I think I will have to take it out of the library again so that I can review several tips and refresh my memory. I just skipped on over the the library website and reserved a copy so I'm on the way to making some progress on this resolution already! 

3. Knitting UFO's.
UFO = Un-Finished Object. I don't have many unfinished knitting projects, but I do have a few and I know I love knitting those particular patterns so I'd like to get back to them. I know there is a beautiful shawl waiting for me to dive back in and continue working with that soft Patons Divine yarn, and there is a soft white scarf partially knit out of a very soft cotton yarn that wants me to pick it back up and finish it, too.

4. Sewing UFO's
Hm, I'm not sure if I want to add this one ... I know I have a box of Barbie gowns and Barbie faux fur coats that are all cut and waiting to be sewn, but I'm not sure I want to commit to actually buckling down to finish them all. If I add it here then I will resolve to make the attempt. I really do want to sew up those items and now that I've typed it out, it feels good to know that I may see some progress on reducing the UFOs in that box.

I think that's enough.

I certainly don't want to set the bar so high that I don't accomplish anything at all.  [grin]

Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know about your 2011 New Year's Resolutions.

December 30, 2010

Top 10 List

Hm, the radio said today that this is the time of year that Top 10 Lists are popular. 

So I thought I'd do one too!

My Top 10 List for 2010.

10.  Finished the pair of socks where I learned to knit the pair using circular needles - I used the book Knitting Circles Around Socks and it was a great teaching tool!  I loved the step-by-step instructions and the helpful photos.  I love the colour of the socks - it was hard to tell looking at the yarn that they'd turn out to look so camouflage!

9.  I started organizing my house in a more organized fashion!  Reading Organizing from the Inside Out was most helpful.

8.  Girl Guides in Canada celebrated 100 years in 2010! And I was blessed to be able to take part in events throughout the year!

7.  The Vancouver Olympics!  And those fantastic red maple leaf mittens that were seen internationally.  And those beautiful sweaters the Canadian Olympic team wore at the closing ceremonies.

6.  Visiting the Caribbean.  [sigh]

5.  The world helped Haiti, and continues to help.

4.  I took part in the Great Ride 'n' Stride against Cancer - it was my 29th year and the last one to be held in my city. Luckily I've located another town nearby where I'll be able to take part in 2011.

3.  My sister and I each donated a Barbie to the Pretty In Pink charity auction at a local art gallery.

2.  I learned to golf.  I joined a golf league and even saw improvement.

1.  My Work Sock Cup Cozy was featured on the Trendwatch page of the December issue of Canadian House & Home Magazine.

These are in no particular order.

Hm, looking back, it was a good year.

Next:  Resolutions!

December 23, 2010

Peace and Goodwill

In 1943, Lady Baden-Powell said,
"Thus do we Guides, of all kinds and all ages and of all nations, go with the highest and the best towards the spreading of true peace and goodwill on earth.

December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

Today is Winter Solstice.

We've had so much snow already that it's hard to believe that winter didn't officially start 2-3 weeks ago!

For an economical way to purchase some beautiful photos, consider bookmarks from my etsy shop ennadoolf.

December 16, 2010

My Baci quote

I received a Baci chocolate today.  My quote is:

Learning not to love others leads to not loving oneself any longer.

May you all experience love in this holiday season.

December 12, 2010

Recipe - Devilled Eggs

Devilled Eggs

First off, let's talk about the best way to peel hard-boiled eggs.  

Your eggs should not be fresh - the best way to peel hard-boiled eggs is to let them sit in your fridge for a week or a bit more before hard-boiling.  That will make them so much easier to peel. 

The other tidbit is to make sure you tap both ends (round and pointy) to break the shell, as well as all 'round the egg.  Break that shell all up before peeling. 

If you like, rinse the egg in water to make sure you get all the shell .. I find this makes the devilled eggs slippery, though, so keep that in mind.

For more tips on perfect hard-boiled eggs, visit the Egg Farmers of Ontario!

Now, for my devilled eggs recipe.

Well.I must confess that I don't really use a recipe!  ... but here goes ...

Cut eggs in half lengthwise, putting yolks into a bowl and whites onto tray.
Add to yolks:  salt, pepper, spices (I have a spice mix called Spicey Pepper Medley that I'll use, and/or some seasoning mixes - just be sure they're powder)
I always add some mustard - I love to use those special mustards that come in Christmas cheese baskets because they usually add that right touch of flavour.
And then I add some more flavour in the form of barbeque sauce or similar for a bit of tang.
Also last I add some mayonaise or similar dressing (eg. Miracle Whip or similar).

As for measuring, well, it depends on how many egg yolks are in the mix. I never really measure. I leave the Miracle Whip/mayo until last so that I can judge how much is needed to give the yolks the right devilled eggs consistency.  Not too much; not too little.

And that's it.

There is never any left at my family's functions. I'm lucky if they make it out of the kitchen!

If you have a secret ingredient or a devilled egg recipe for your family, post a comment and let me know!

In the meantime, c'mon over to ennadoolf on etsy and browse my dishcloths to make clean-up in the kitchen a bit less of a chore!