
March 30, 2012

March 25, 2012

Sunday Solitude

A 1968 memory
 ... a postcard from a friend
 ... whose birthday is coming up soon!

March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of SPRING!!!!!

Happy First Day of SPRING!!!!!

March 19, 2012

SALE! 20% off at my Etsy shops!

SALE!  20% off at my Etsy shops!

Save 20% in my 3 Etsy shops - use Coupon Code SAVE20 at checkout!

This is to celebrate my upcoming 4th "etsyversary" - my anniversary on Etsy!

Limited time offer - act now! Valid at:

March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Remember -
your kilt should be short enough for dancing a jig ...
and long enough to hide your lucky charms!

March 14, 2012

Venus and Jupiter conjunction!

 Venus and Jupiter conjunction

Isn't it pretty?  This photo can be seen at this link - someone in France took it.

But Venus and Jupiter look like this above my back yard too!!

So pretty!

I noticed them Tuesday evening and mentioned them to my friend as we were leaving a show ... and when I got home, there they were, shining above my back yard!!

March 11, 2012

Sunday Solitude

Remember to turn your clocks ahead Sunday morning.

March 06, 2012

Canadian Guiding Badges & Insignia Resource

Canadian Guiding Badges & Insignia Resource

THANK YOU!!!  to Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario Council for providing this AMAZING resource on their website!!!
Here is the link:

The years covered in this edition range from the inception of Guiding in Canada in 1910 to 2010.

Badges are documented from 1910-2010 in the following categories:
  • Multi-branch
  • Commemorative
  • Religion in Life
  • Service Stars
  • Sparks
  • Brownies
  • Guides
  • Extension Guides
  • Pathfinders
  • Rangers

 Next time you're wondering about that badge you're interested in on ebay, or that badge you earned as a girl, check out this great resource and find the answer!!

March 03, 2012

March Spotlight - Guiding Fabric Flowers

Guiding Fabric Flowers

Inspired by similar flowers on a facebook group, I decided to use vintage Girl Guide uniforms and buttons to make fabric flowers.

Girl Guides of Canada has made uniform changes over the years. The most recent change in the adult uniform was to replace the "stripes" - striped uniform blouses and skirts designed by Alfred Sung in the 1980s. Over the past few years many people donated those previously loved uniforms to me. What to do with them? I stored them for ages.  

Until I found the Sisterhood of the Flower group on facebook!

I made a few fabric flowers to try it out.
And then inspiration struck!
I could use the stripes!  and the vintage buttons from the uniforms!

And so the Guiding Fabric Flowers were born.

Each flower is as unique as the fabric from the uniform it came from. 

I even opened an Etsy shop to provide a worldwide venue so the Guiding Fabric Flowers could be accessible to everyone and anyone.

Before I even announced that the Etsy shop was open, I received an order from Girl Scouts in California!

And now we have expanded the flowers to include the colours of the current Girl Guides of Canada uniforms!

We have: pink (Sparks), orange/peach (Brownies), blue (Guides/Rangers/leaders), and most recently green (Pathfinders).

No, no!  We're not cutting up actual uniforms for these latest additions!

We're actually matching the colour to other previously loved clothing that is non-Guiding, and cutting those up instead. :)

So although the colour is not the actual uniform fabric, its the darned closest match! 

Currently, these colour flowers are only available locally, but we hope to add them to the Etsy shop soon!

Funds raised from the sale of these flowers goes to - a website run by volunteer members of Guiding. is home to the famous GuideZone - one of the very first Girl Guide websites on the internet!  As well as the popular TuneGuide - a place to hear Guiding songs!