r-anne-dom : a place for me (anne) to leave random blog posts.
Such as:
..knitting, sewing, and other random activities pursued
..Girl Guides of Canada : yep, Guiding Lives Here
..the 4 shops on Etsy : one features quality handmade items; the second has lots of patterns, & crafting supplies; the third is stocked with Vintage; and the fourth is guiding flowers.
Enjoy the r-anne-domness!

April 30, 2013

Dream . . .

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

(art by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer)

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_dreams.html#VcwiPzjxe7jA2Yrf.99 

April 29, 2013

Gifts for Guide and Scout leaders

Need a gift to present to your Guider or Scout leader?

What about e-Guiding flowers?

Buy them HERE and know that your purchase helps the e-Guiding website!

April 24, 2013

* SALE * at PatternsAndSuch on Etsy

* SALE * at PatternsAndSuch on Etsy

One Day Sale
Thursday April 25, 2013 Only

Use Coupon Code BLITZ at checkout to save 20% off.


April 09, 2013

Six Money & Career Lessons we can learn from the Girl Guides

Six Money and Career Lessons we can learn from the Girl Guides
A great article by Chatelaine magazine.

Girl Guide life lessons for financial and career success

Adults would do well to remember the lessons Girl Guides extol to young women about gaining personal empowerment and achieving financial and career success.

Click Here to read the entire article.