Speediest replies ever to one of my quickee surveys!
Here are my friends and family shoe sizes! LOL
- 5 or 6
- 7.5 (x 2)
- 9 (x 3)
- 8.5
- 8 or 8.5
February 22 is Thinking Day for all member countries in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). It commemorates the birthdays of both Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, the founders of Scouting and Guiding, who were born on the same day (though different years).
The World Thinking Day theme for 2009 is girls worldwide say “stop the spread of AIDS, malaria and other diseases”
This theme is part of WAGGGS’ new Global Action Theme. At the 33rd WAGGGS World Conference in 2008, WAGGGS announced its new Global Action Theme:
girls worldwide say “together we can change our world”
which focuses on the Millennium Development Goals.
The theme encourages girls, young women and members of all ages to make a personal commitment to change the world around them.
I am sending Thinking Day wishes to all my Guiding sisters 'round the world.
editted Thurs.Feb.5 to add: I visited Weezi's shop in downtown London today! Great shop! And had a lovely chat with the proprietor and had a look 'round at the great variety of items there! What caught my eye? the lampshade made of cassette cases, the vintage china pieces, laptop covers - oh, too much to mention here! click on the link - visit her Etsy shop and her website.
It wasn't easy because we were trying to do this via email! and not in person. I think we all figured it out, but I have located a photo from an old issue of the Canadian Guider and I thought I'd post it for those who need a visual. Our biggest obstacle was trying to determine just how upright the trefoil could be when it was at the centre. As you can see by the photo, its not perfectly upright and looks great!
The general consensus was:
Fold the scarf in half, so the 2 trefoils come together.
Fold under the point below a trefoil corner.
This will be the trefoil youwill see.
Continue to fold the scarf making it a long skinny folded one...being sure the trefoil is always visible.
Tie a half knot in the middle so the trefoil shows and tie it under the collar in the back with a reef knot. Thanks to everyone at e-guiding.com for your help in solving this!