Tutorial - Girl Guide Brochure Holder
I wanted to display some Girl Guide brochures - but I didn't have a brochure holder, so I made one, using a cardboard display as a template and modifying it for Girl Guide brochures.
Step 1: the pattern.
These two pattern pieces should be printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with no border. Part 1 should touch all the edges of the paper, and then Part 2 should match up to Part 1. Print onto paper first. You need to tape Part 1 and Part 2 together.
If you cannot print it large enough, perhaps print and then enlarge on a photocopier to the correct size.
Once you have printed and taped the pattern together on paper, cut out along solid lines, and trace onto cardboard. Add all the markings from the paper pattern to the cardboard.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Step 2: cardboard.
I used a legal-sized file folder because it was the right size. A letter-sized file folder was too small. It wasn't quite as strong as I would have liked, so I reinforced the back by gluing an extra piece of cardboard onto the back. This is optional and is not shown in the tutorial.
Step 3: cut out the pattern.
Cut along solid lines only. Cut around the outside, then cut along all other solid lines.
Step 4 |
Step 4: first fold
With the widest part closest to you, fold along the first dotted line (see photo for Step 4)
Step 5 |
Step 5: more folds
Fold the next 2 fold lines in the opposite direction as Step 4 (see photo for Step 5)
Step 6 |
Step 6: wings
Well, I'll call them wings - they are the sides of the stand. Fold them towards the centre (see photo for Step 6)
Step 7 |
Step 7: tabs
Fold the tabs in towards the centre (see photo for Step 7)
Step 8 |
Step 8: assemble
Insert the tabs into the slots.
Admire your handiwork. :)
Step 9: Girl Guides!
Step 9 |
Using old catalogues, Canadian Guider magazines, old brochures and posters, etc. glue pictures and text to your brochure holder. I made sure our GGC logo and 800# were visible on all sides so that even if all the brochures were taken, people would still be able to take down the information.
Step 10 |
Step 10: display
Fill with brochures and display!