A “Yart Sale” is an artistic spin on the traditional Yard Sale: Art + Yard Sale = “Yart Sale”.
The “2nd Annual Yart Sale” will be held from Wednesday June 10th-Sunday June 14th, 2009. This year the “2nd Annual Yart Sale” will be sponsored by the Etsy Supply Street Team (Team ESST).
All Etsy shops are invited to participate. To join the sale, simply post the following Yart Sale Announcement in the Shop Announcement section of your Etsy Shop and please include a short description of how you will be participating in the sale:“I am participating in the Yart Sale on Etsy sponsored by Team ESST”.
We look forward to your participation in the Yart Sale. It is a fun event with much enthusiasm, energy and creativity!
More information can be found on the Team ESST blog!
Thank you for promoting the Yart Sale! I look forward to seeing you June 10th-June 14th in the promo section of the forums!