r-anne-dom : a place for me (anne) to leave random blog posts.
Such as:
..knitting, sewing, and other random activities pursued
..Girl Guides of Canada : yep, Guiding Lives Here
..the 4 shops on Etsy : one features quality handmade items; the second has lots of patterns, & crafting supplies; the third is stocked with Vintage; and the fourth is guiding flowers.
Enjoy the r-anne-domness!

June 09, 2010

Wednesday Wonder - Maytag and That 70s Show

Ever wonder what Maytag and That 70s Show have in common?

My old washing machine and dryer!

And when it was time to replace my set a few years ago, we sent it to the Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa!

If you have something that you feel should be preserved - whether or not it's the same model that was on a popular tv show or not - consider presenting it to the curators for their approval to be added to the museum!

For my washer/dryer, I researched to make sure it was the same make/model that was on the show. My parents had *almost* the same set, but they had one less button than mine, so I knew mine were the same as the ones on the show.

So, if you're ever at the Museum of Science and Technology, look for my washer and dryer!

My name won't be on them - I chose to give them away with no strings attached so my name is not displayed as the donor.  I just know they're mine.  :)


  1. that is such a cute story, and such a good idea. i should do that when i get to empty my loft!

  2. such a good idea. i shall do that when i get to empty my loft!
