Such as:
..knitting, sewing, and other random activities pursued
..Girl Guides of Canada : yep, Guiding Lives Here
..the 4 shops on Etsy : one features quality handmade items; the second has lots of patterns, & crafting supplies; the third is stocked with Vintage; and the fourth is guiding flowers.
Enjoy the r-anne-domness!
April 29, 2009
Wednesday Wonder - bald eagle
April 28, 2009
Teams on Tuesday - Fiber
Not the stuff you find in Raisin Bran!
Fiber arts include knitting, weaving, crochet among others ... and also includes spinning and preparing the fiber, as well as things like felting after the fact.
I'm a member of the Fiber Arts team on Etsy - EtsyFAST . The team incorporates artisans from all over the world who are using their hands to turn various forms of fibers into beautiful artworks, wearables, and supplies. The team encompasses all forms of fiber arts. Click here to see the great variety for sale on Etsy!
For me, its just knitting for now, and there's enough to learn to keep me going for a long long time. hehe And I have a stash of yarn to keep my projects going for a long long time too!!
Here is a sampling of the EtsyFAST team!

- Cotton Candy, Buttered Popcorn at the Moving Picture Show, Pink n Golden Yellow Flowered, Handknit Scarf by CricketsCreations
- Beach Bag ...Shopping Bag ...Tote Bag by ennadoolf
- Little Moons Crocheted Earrings in grey by FebystanDesigns
- Bakery Box of Four Felt Cookies with Pink Beaded Icing and Ribbon Trim by hondamom
- COTTON CANDY -- Hand-woven pink and purple striped rug by finnishweaver
- Wood Rose Single Ply Merino by OnTheRound
- Pink Sweetheart Brooch by boutiquepinkdesigns
- Playing in the Kettle, Hand Dyed, 5.4 ounces, Mill Ends, Wool Combed Top with Mohair, Roving by FiberFancy
- Felted Basket in Cream, Pink and Sage Green by cozycottagecreations
Fiber. It's not just bran!
April 27, 2009
My Garden - Pasque Flower

It's a perennial that is slowly expanding the area it is in. Thank goodness it's not an aggressive spreading plant like some of the others that seem to take over the entire garden.
Copies of my Pasque Flower are available for sale in my Etsy shop
April 24, 2009
Great Ride 'n' Stride - goal accomplished!

I reached my goal.
Last year, I raised over $700 for the Canadian Cancer Society and this year I really wanted to reach the same goal.
I think I did! I received more than half via the online pledges (click the picture to see that page) and the rest was given to me in person. I have one or two more people who said they'd pledge me and haven't paid yet, so I'm pretty sure I'll surpass it.
Its so great to see the support. I appreciate every single pledge, no matter how small. It all goes to help the Canadian Cancer Society.
Thank you.
April 23, 2009
did you today?

did you today?
All you need to create an account is an email address.
Then you can start shopping.
Or start a Favourites page!
That will let others know what they can buy for you!
Visit today.
*This promotion is sponsored by individual Etsy shop owners, not the Etsy company.
original graphic by schugirl08
Hm, while checking out, be sure to visit these great shops!
April 21, 2009
Teams on Tuesday - Volunteers
“Volunteers are the quiet heroes of our communities – it’s citizenship in action! Volunteers strengthen not only the social fabric of our local communities but also the economic base of our great province.” - Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ontario)
Thank a Volunteer this week.
April 20, 2009
April 19, 2009
Helping Mother Earth one Bag at a Time
April 18, 2009
Rrroll Up the Rim - 8th - and last - week

April 16, 2009
Etsy Finds and Give-Aways
There is always a give-away going on - and its easy to enter and fun to browse some new Etsy shops.

What's even more fun, is winning one of the give-aways!
And remember to "follow" the blog so that you can keep up with all the give-aways via your own dashboard (or similar, depending on where you blog).
April 14, 2009
Teams on Tuesday - Scavenger Hunt Congrats!
April 13, 2009
connections ...
with the moments that keep us together.
And then the father sees a photo of the 4 of them 'round a campfire and we hear it:
Love it.
April 11, 2009
Rrroll Up the Rim - 7th week
That means I'm now 9 for 51 - very darn good!
Rrroll Up cups are few and far between now, so the campaign is winding down for this year. I still have hope of more winners - as long as their are cups to rroll, there is hope! LOL
Now, while we wait for the next winning cup, and with Earth Day coming up, remember that cup cozies will help the environment by saving double cupping!
Come buy one here:
April 08, 2009
Wednesday Wonder - Topsy Turvy Dolls

On the one side, she has a happy face. On the other side, there is a sad face.

The doll pictured here isn't for sale because she's mine. :) And the gingham in her "happy" skirt is vintage fabric - my mom made dresses from this fabric for my sisters and I when we were much much younger than we are now. She gave me the fabric recently, so this doll, and her vintage family heirloom skirt, is staying with me. :)
April 07, 2009
Teams on Tuesday - Thompson Turkeys

April 05, 2009
Rrroll Up the Rim - 6th week

April 04, 2009

April 03, 2009
Spring Scavenger Hunt from Etsy Knitters Team

Join in the fun of a Scavenger Hunt and get tons of special offers & discounts from the participating Etsy shops of the EtsyKnitters Street Team!
Here are the basics:
Click on the logo above and go to the official Scavenger Hunt website. There you'll find a photo listing of 30+ items and you need to find only 10 to qualify for prizes.
(Hint: they are all knitted items from the EtsyKnitters Team.)
Official Rules
Any registered Etsy shopper or shop owner may participate in the EtsyKnitters Spring Scavenger Hunt. (Etsy registration is free - visit to sign up!)
- Shown are pictures of 30 wonderful knitting-related items to be found in our Etsy shops. These are your Scavenger Hunt "clues". Your challenge is to locate any 10 or more of the Scavenger Hunt clue photos in our shops.
Hints! There is one clue photo from each shop; and, the photos are the first picture of the item shown, so they'll be super-easy to find. - Submit your entry form between Friday, April 3, and midnight MDT on Sunday, April 12, 2009, matching a minimum of 10 photo clue numbers with the corresponding EtsyKnitter's shops.
- When we receive your entry with 10 or more correct answers, we'll send you the "magic code word" to get the following list of wonderful special offers and discounts from ALL of our shops!
- Your Scavenger Hunt specials are valid throughout the Hunt, and for an additional week, through April 19, to give you plenty of time to shop.
There also is a list of the great discounts and offers that you will receive if you participate. And those will make your spring or early Christmas shopping so much more affordable.
April 02, 2009
April First Weekend Shopping Extravaganza
April 01, 2009
Wednesday Wonder - Stu Stu Studio