When we first moved to this house, we almost pulled all the Rose of Sharon bushes out! They don't get buds on them until pretty much all the other plants have turned green so we thought they were all dead! Luckily we were too busy to pull them out and now I love them.
I still don't like gardening, but I do love the flowers and plants in my gardens!
Today a friend dropped by for some Rose of Sharon plants. Mine seem to have babies like its going out of style, so we just pulled up all the babies like weeds! We pretty much filled a Girl Guide cookie box! I bet there were at least 50 plants in there! Some as small as 6 inches, others about 2 feet or so.
None will flower this year, but once she plants them, she'll have some great bushes. They're either white or purple or pink flowers. I have all three colours and don't know which seeds fall where, so the babies could be any of those colours!
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